Senior Pastor
Dr. Clarence Talley, Sr.
DR. CLARENCE TALLEY SR. is a native of Alexandria, Louisiana. He united with Mount Corinth Missionary Baptist church under the leadership of the late Rev. J. Roland Hicks. He was licensed by Rev. Hicks and later ordained under the late Rev. L. H. Crosby, the World Christianship Ministries, and the United Christian Faith Ministries. Dr. Talley has been instrumental in the spiritual growth and development of Mount Corinth, the community, and Prairie View A&M University for the past four decades.
In April 2013, Dr. Talley begin serving as interim pastor of The Mount and since that time the atmosphere of the church has been transformed by the sustain move of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Talley’s mantra has been that: No one should be unemployed in the church of Jesus Christ. As a result, members embraced his leadership and on July 31, 2013 he was unanimously selected as pastor.
Dr. Talley believes because the gospel message is simple and requires a simple faith in Jesus Christ, The Mount’s mission is to fulfill the Great Commission. “Go ye therefore and make disciples” (Matthew 28:18-20). The motto of the church also demonstrates The Mount’s partnership with the Holy Spirit to achieve the agenda of God. That motto is: Trusting God to do His part as we press on to do ours.
Pastor Talley is also Professor and Director of Art at Prairie View A & M University where his spirit-filled teaching and dynamic art work is widely known. He holds four earned degrees: B.A. from Southern University, M.F.A. from Louisiana State University, M.A. from Houston Graduate School of Theology, a Doctorate of Biblical Studies in Theology from the Master’s International School of Divinity and further studies at Rice University.